2D artist/animator, coffee barista, VA, & indulger of clownery.
Just a gal trying to juice life’s lemons one day at a time & pour it back into its eyes.
Appreciator of oddities.
The mistress of not knowing.
Desires to reach high & have fun while doing it.

Vicky @QueenBoo

The Token Female

Independent Artist


Joined on 8/27/20

Exp Points:
8,587 / 8,700
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
6.99 votes
Audio Scouts
Art Scouts
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:
3y 3m 4d

QueenBoo's News

Posted by QueenBoo - January 15th, 2024


hello, sorry for taking a bit with the recap! a lot has happened since then!

Got sick af again so I decided to chill by finally coming around to making this newspost.


Me & @Xeno-Cowboy would like to thank everyone for coming, even if it's just to stop by and say hello, sign the poster, and hang out for dinner @ Hooters (we saw a cockroach there, yum)!!


Found some awesome cosplayers at the con!


@MayaLaCookie as @TomFulp #TomPoops2024, finding bangers to fp


We found two more PPF cosplayers!!

  • Mama - ??? [Let me know if you see this & would like to be credited!!]
  • Gogo - ??? [Let me know if you see this & would like to be credited!!]


ur probably a degen if you know where this is from (18+)

  • ChuChu - [IG] Hime.Tora.Cos
  • Masked MC - [IG] WilliamNicholasJohnson
  • BonBon - ??? [Let me know if you see this & would like to be credited!!]


[Image by @Blakenator9872]

Aside from providing everyone with 5x7 postcards & tankmen stickers, I also provided everyone who came to the meetup with a 20x30 poster of ALA-Chan to sign!!


"This is gay asf" - @Blakenator9872

(As Pico)


edgy game



Image taken, drawing, & edited by - @blakenator9872

Special thanks to (from left to right):

@Magibauble @TheMarkimator @TheJ-Pro @Krampus @LazyDoll @MayaLaCookie @Xeno-Cowboy @Blakenator9872 (not in the pic but Blake is still cool)

In other news, Valentine's Day is coming up & i'm looking for more creative work!!

Have a good one everyone!!



Posted by QueenBoo - November 24th, 2023

Happy New Year - 2024!!

Hope you’re all able to eat well, spend your money responsibly, and plan your resolutions.

So get ready for…


The Anime Los Angeles Newgrounds Meet-Up!!

Your hosts:

Mina - @Xeno-Cowboy (Cosplaying as Nono)


Vicky - @QueenBoo (Cosplaying as Gogo)


Art & characters belong to animator @Speedo respectfully.


All ages are welcome! 

While this is a con gathering, the space itself is off the grounds and doesn't require a pass, so don't be shy and swing by even if you're not attending the con! 


January 5th, 2024 - Friday - 5:00pm PST / Day 2 of Anime Los Angeles

@ the Long Beach Convention Center.

300 E Ocean Blvd,

Long Beach, CA 90802

Get your tickets here if you want to explore the convention before the meetup!! <3

If you want to attend the whole weekend, that’s up to you!

Please remember that January 5th [Friday] is the meetup day if you want to participate!

Location (gathering map pictured):


This will take place in gathering space 2, on the Rainbow Lagoon Lawn!

It's a short walk from the con center on the opposite side of the Hyatt Regency a bit past the swan boats.


A fun little get together to celebrate NG and its properties, especially if you're a cosplayer! 

Costumes are not a necessity and you absolutely don't need one to attend, but those of you who do cosplay- we’re expecting you to show up in your Sunday best!! <3

Those who plan on cosplaying, here’s some examples for inspiration!!



Alien Hominid

Among Us

Dead Estate

Pico’s School

Friday Night Funkin

Newgrounds Staff

Tom Fulp





Even if you cosplay canon characters that are apart from original characters, Newgrounds is infamous for parodies of everything AND anything (Example, White-Rice07109’s Super Smash Sisters & Speedoru’s Disgraced Attorney), so go right ahead and emulate your best!

It will slightly get darker to dark around 5:00, so if you’d like, add some lights to your cosplay!!

The plan we have set is to treat the first bit like a regular cosplay gathering (running through the series/characters that show up, ending on a group pic of all our lovely cosplayers), and then devolve into a more traditional NG meet!

Meetup Etiquette: 

  • Do remember this is going to be in a space designated by the con for gatherings.
  • Please be respectful of any possible ones that may occur directly before or after.
  • Try not to spill out on the path too much so other attendees can walk by!
  • It should be a given, but please be respectful amongst another.

@Xeno-Cowboy will update once the complete gathering list is available, but I really doubt there will be one after us, in which case we're free to loiter around after the gathering "officially" ends :]


As a special exclusive thank you for attending the meetup,

You could be receiving…


ALA is a ribbon badge con so @Xeno-Cowboy will have some ribbons to give out (& maybe some stickers as well).

We highly encourage anyone who wants to bring any goodies to give out to bring them!

If you’d like, bring your sketchbooks & markers too!! We can sign each other’s stuff like yearbooks!!

Confirmed to GO!!

[Direct message or comment if you’re coming for sure & i’ll put you on this list!]

@Blakenator9872 @Krampus @Magibauble @MayaLaCookie @TheJ-Pro @TheMarkimator @TheWierdGuy

Facebook Event

See you all there!! <3 & have a good one!!

Please do not be afraid to direct message me (@QueenBoo) for any questions.



Posted by QueenBoo - July 25th, 2023


Banner Featuring Our Lovely Sponsors & Prize Givers

@Bleak-Creep: $250

@Tamag0: $100

Newgrounds [Best of June Prize]: $100

@Xeno-Cowboy: $75

@Lolofyr: $40

@Peggiore: $30

@QueenBoo: $25 + Offering Half-Body Character Sketch

@CheddarExuberant: $20 + Offering Personalized Chibi .Gif

@M1roArt: $15

@Praise-Bob : $5

@MayaLaCookie: Offering Full Body Character Art

@NickSenny: Offering Personalized Messages by Mc-Kun himself!!

Well, hello hello again !!

with the release of “Love Me Newgrounds!!!”

And “Love Me Newgrounds!!! <3 j00 2”,

We were happy to have hosted the LOVE ME NEWGROUNDS!!! <3 J00 2 FANARTCONTESTEXSTREAMAGANZA(tm) !!!!

First off, we would like to thank everyone who peered in on the news post AND those who have actually joined the contest & have become excellent team players!

We were so excited to host this art contest- I speak for everyone when I say that the more we kept on getting entries, the more we kept on being excited at how many cared to make something based off our silly games.

Many of you have arguably created something that you can put in your example commission sheets & art portfolios!


But enough about the lovey mushy stuff!

Obviously what EVERYONE wants to know is WHOMST IN THE HECK WON???

Important Message for the Winners:

@CheddarExuberant, @MayaLaCookie, @NickSenny, & I will reach out to you for your prizes as soon as possible! Thank you for your patience.

[For any cash prizes, please have your PayPals ready to reply with. For any reason that you really need an alternative, it must be discussed with me @QueenBoo. I will personally start messaging winners starting 07/26-07/27.]

1st Place: $130

+ Personalized Chibi .Gif by @CheddarExuberant

+ Full Body, Colored Character Art by @MayaLaCookie

+ Personalized Message from Mc-Kun!! @NickSenny

love me newgrounds by @Pookieb00

Welcome to Newgrounds @Pookieb00! Thank you for joining this community to put your entry on, for you have done exceptional pixel work for this contest. We all admired how each chibi character was unique in their own appearance, the lighting, & how everything looked great put together.

2nd Place: $115

+ Half-Body Character Sketch by @QueenBoo

+ Personalized Message from Mc-Kun!! @NickSenny

<3 j00 2 @BonumRex

Bonum!! You have made a fantastic group piece featuring as many characters from LMNG & LMNG2 as much you could, including several background characters & NPCS. The effort is here & we all see it. I’m sure as the sun that everyone appreciated seeing characters/sonas they had developed in your illustration.

3rd Place: $105

+ Personalized Message from Mc-Kun!! @NickSenny

neon genesis lmng by @Marcekunart

Marcekunart!! We all could see each character’s individual personalities, easter eggs, & how much effort was put into making the illustration appear in a watercolor medium. Glad to hear you enjoyed drawing your entry just as much as we enjoyed imagining LMNG as an anime due to this piece!

4th Place: $90

Spread teh <3 by @AstreEtoile

AstreEtoile!! Thank you for the LMNG & LMNG2 group representation here- we all can notice the tone differences from how you drew characters that were both from the first game & the second. It looks like it's a unique comic cover from its composition.

5th Place: $75

super lmng 64 by @TomDoy

[Cue Bob-Omb Battlefield Theme] TomDoy!! Your entry was unique with how you decided to put Mc-Kun & Trash-Can in a 3D space! Not only that, it was wonderful how you made pixel work of the LMNG1 cast as well. The easter eggs were a nice touch so you can look at this work again & see what you miss!

6th Place: $60

Keep Going MC-Kun! by @Alex-PhantomGlitch

Yo Alex!! From the dynamic posing of Mc-Kun to the background elements, you’ve created such an empowering piece of artwork to inspire even those down on their luck as well! With how much Mc-Kun is portrayed as an unlucky one, we all felt overjoyed to see him still pressing on. 

7th Place: $45

I LOVE YOU LMNG by @Paulepz

Paule!! This is such a cozy piece depicting the gang (allegedly) celebrating Steve’s Birthday! The soft linework and the coloring really support the scene. We as a group had fun imagining this being its own anime series thanks to this piece!

8th Place: $40

Let Me LOVE YOU by @Devoidgazer!

Devoid!! What absolutely caught our eye is the galaxy behind Mc-Kun and Pico. We all commend you for how relaxing you made this piece in its simplicity. We can only assume whatever they’re talking about is something pleasant.

Runner Ups

Trash Taste by @Vockwell

I still stand by what I said before & i’ll say it again, this is one of the best ‘out of spite’ artworks that i’ve seen. If you ever want to depict the LMNG cast’s brutal demise, we all would love to see it!

Love Me Newgrounds for NEC-PC98 by @KokoroHatsaru

We loved seeing your old retro style in action here! The extra effort in showcasing animated Mc-Kun’s expression to Steve talking is much appreciated here!

LMNG 2 <3 by @Heylce

This image is one of the greatest compilations of MC-Kun’s possible failures (depending on the choices of the player). We love the layer of sillines put into this work as well!

Special thanks to everyone else who joined as well, your pieces were not overlooked either. We sincerely appreciated them too.

Check them all out through the #ExTREAMaganza tag!!

Our proof that we looked through everyone’s work will be posted in Gloom-Gorl’s YouTube Account! (Coming soon!!)

(Context: On 07/22, Gloom had livestreamed for the #ExSTREAMagazna, where we talked about some of the things we had to go through for LMNG2 & showcased all the work with most of The <3 J00 crew commenting on all the illustrations as well. The archive for that entire stream will be updated on this News Post as soon as we can).


Will there be another visual novel like the LMNG series again?

Who knows what the future holds?!

But both Team White Chocolate & The <3 J00 crew will be here, and while we will be doing our own thing- Making these games will always be a part of us, we appreciate those who support & love what we do.

We’ve always considered Love Me Newgrounds to be a niche little series to express the love we have for this independently run site. Thank you Newgrounds for allowing us to express our passion when it seems like the world is seemingly always out to destroy it.

Whether you love the LMNG series or dislike it, we’re very glad to hear it at least made you feel a certain emotion. Perhaps it has inspired you to go do better things as well!! 


Love You Newgrounds!!



Posted by QueenBoo - July 4th, 2023





hello hello !!

with the release of “Love Me Newgrounds!!!”

And most recently, “Love Me Newgrounds!!! <3 j00 2”,

j00 haev all learned 2 <3. now, after receiving all of ur <3 and support, the "<3 j00 crew" would like to return the fav0r and spraed teh <3 0nce more !!

g3t y0ur p3n0rs ready for...


what in the sam hell is that?! WELL !! i'm glad u asked :]

The FANARTCONTESTEXSTREAMAGANZA(tm) is a cum-munity (hehe) event and CONTEST being held by our <3 j00 crew!

It is a fanart contest and showcase that will be held on Gloom-Gorl’s Twitch Channel on Saturday, July 22nd at 5pm EST!


All you have to do is make a fanart piece relating to LMNG (both LMNG 1&2 are fair game!) and post it using the tag #ExSTREAMaganza by the deadline ! So long as you follow teh rulez, we will be showcasing all of the pieces during the stream!! "But Qu33nB00b! What are teh rulez??" ahem!



  1. Sorry!! But all members of Team White Chocolate (the og lmng team) and the <3 J00 Crew are not permitted to enter the contest. We appreciate it if you decide to make art for fun! Just know it will be disqualified from the contest.
  2. All art MUST BE Rated E-T, No NSFW/mature content is allowed (No Rated M-A). 
  3. The fanart can be based off of Love Me Newgrounds!!! or Love Me Newgrounds!!! <3 J00 2, we don’t care which game you rep.
  4. No usage of Slurs.
  5. It’s self explanatory but, be nice to other contestants. we r here to spraed teh <3.
  6. Put your entry under the tag #ExSTREAMaganza!! Or else we will not be able to see it!!
  7. One entry per user.
  8. Deadline is: 4:00pm EST, July 22

contestants who do not follow teh rulez will be pwnd!! (and disqualified!)

need some art inspo for your entry? 


But wait! 0w0 what's this? PRIZES? like i said, the <3 j00 crew wanted to spraed teh <3 to all of you, so to sweeten up the deal for participating in the contest, there will be the chance to win a prize!

PRIZES [These will increase with your support, read below for details!!]:

1st Place: $130

+ Personalized Chibi .Gif by @CheddarExuberant

+ Full Body, Colored Character Art by @MayaLaCookie

+ Personalized Message from Mc-Kun!! @NickSenny

2nd Place: $115

+ Half-Body Character Sketch by @QueenBoo

+ Personalized Message from Mc-Kun!! @NickSenny

3rd Place: $105

+ Personalized Message from Mc-Kun!! @NickSenny

4th Place: $90

5th Place: $75

6th Place: $60

7th Place: $45

8th Place: $40

If you’d like to sponsor our #ExSTREAMaganza art contest, PM @QueenBoo for details [Accepting Paypal only]. 


@Bleak-Creep: $250

@Tamag0: $100

Newgrounds [Best of June Prize]: $100

@Xeno-Cowboy: $75

@Lolofyr: $40

@Peggiore: $30

@QueenBoo: $25

@CheddarExuberant: $20

@M1roArt: $15

@Praise-Bob : $5


sounds pretty kewl, right? I think i speak for the entire cr00 when i say that we r very excited to see what entries this amazing cum-munity has in store for this event! if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to leave a comment! or you could DM me, @NeuromancaEspa, @Gloom-Gorl or any of the other directors of the game!

in cl0sing, thank j00 all for the <3 and support j00 have shown us.







Posted by QueenBoo - May 25th, 2023

hello hello, gonna likely start treating this site like a blog.

so I celebrated my graduation today-

Well, it certainly took a lot of grit, emotion, blood, sweat and tears. I've experienced so much to get to this point, as i'm sure we've all experienced at least once in our lives. Definitely went through a bunch of evolutions as an individual.

I'm very happy to be the person I am right now, & i'm happy to keep changing for the better even if it's through a load of tough times.

Very happy to be sharing this moment with you all on Newgrounds nonetheless, since this site was a very large part in helping me grow & expand as an artist.


feel free to check out the art relating to this-

In a much funnier coincidence,

I actually tripped and fell during the commencement so LMAO-

my cap & fan


Also by what I mean by flyin' is that I actually travelled to Georgia not too long ago!! Mainly it was to visit my boyfriend, but to also experience life outside & all that jazz!!

Would highly recommend the Atlanta CityPass to get you to a number of places!






In other news!!

I have a patreon now...

so perhaps consider checking my gallery out & being an epic supporter??

Find out on the next episode of DragonBall!!

See y'all on the flipside!



Posted by QueenBoo - May 6th, 2023

Hullo hullo!! Happy Pico Day!!

I'm very excited to say I have completed another illustration for this lovely day, which is something I haven't done in quite a bit due to a lot going on,

can view it here:

Happy to draw some ladies :D

My work turnout has likely slowed quite a bit this year because art isn't just something i'm focusing on,

**There's also voicework i've been doing -

**Moviewatching -

Aside from the Mario Movie, watched "Whisper of the Heart" (1995), "Best in Show" (2000), "Waiting for Guffman" (1996),

with any movie at all, i'd always recommend watching it in theatre if you can. The theatre just gives the most authentic experience.

**Vacation planning!!

I've been planning on seeing my boyfriend, M1r0Art in person! I'm bringing along three friends, two of em who are Hallowmations & Bonguy-!! We gonna beeee ballin'!!


Although, Life hasn't been really kind to me in regards to traveling lately, I'm sure it will be much better this time around, Now that i'm not alone & the fact I know that I got a lot of people who got my back.

on that note, here's some Ren Fair Drip-


Circus bros-





alright, see you on the flipside-

probably gonna be checklistin & stressin-



Posted by QueenBoo - March 3rd, 2023

First off, thanks for over 500+, 

I wanted it to be a for-sure thing before I mentioned it. 

Initially I wanted this post to be more exciting.

For example, I would currently be listing all the amazing things I’m going to do & all that jazz. 

Oh how great it is to be out of that stress, I can now do whatever I want to without a system to set deadlines for me anymore. And it was true for a while.

But eventually, it would be quite a disservice to my honest feelings to just pretend the bad didn’t come with the good.

As I thought, as I’ve reached the end of my college journey, I feel dissatisfied because whatever imaginary steps to success I thought would come straight afterwards…

I guess just didn’t happen- or maybe what I thought meant “my life starts now (after college)” was just another landmark, and now the real challenge begins.

At the moment, I feel like I’m just pouring freshwater into ocean, whatever water I’ve released has became salty just like the rest. Especially when it’s hard to get people to notice the fresh water I’ve made.

Is that a good metaphor? Maybe, maybe not. I’m like within this very competitive field, I wish I knew the right way to play.

It’s hard to be content with what you have when you feel aimless & you feel this constant urge that you can be doing so much more than you are now.

It’s hard because you feel like you’re doing all you can to be known.

Currently feeling this rejection stage.

I have a knack for writing essays. Thanks for reading this one if you cared to. I’m grateful for the people who’s stayed, but this has been on my mind for these past few weeks now. 

Wish me luck, it’s been genuinely hard reaching out. Especially since I’ve been feeling unsatisfied with everything going on in my life right now.

I’ll just complain for now and get on with whatever my state is, suck it up & push through it as they say.



Posted by QueenBoo - October 31st, 2022


Made some art for the special occasion of Halloween, check it out, give it a rating! Thanks!!

As you might have discovered by reading the title..all these movies are R-Rated (in Newgrounds rating terms… M-A rated) & definitely not for the squeamish, so if you’re not a horror fan, you may stop reading here!

Happy Halloween!

... Now onto the wonderful list.

So you've heard of films such as, "Child's Play", "Halloween", "It", & "Nightmare on Elm Street"- everyone often knows these thanks to well-known mascots!

Now these are horror films that I would absolutely recommend people who are in for a scare to watch at least once, despite their initial box office failures. These are films that are not exactly popular in the horror space, but if you want something refreshing, put these on your watch list.

All these brief reviews of mine will be spoiler free!


Dead & Buried (1981)


"Dead & Buried" is 1981 horror film directed by Gary Sherman.

The film is about a sheriff who tries to understand the unexplainable deaths that haunt his small town, especially when discovering that the people who have died are now walking the earth again.

This is technically considered a "Zombie" movie, but not the traditional zombie movie that you think of- where you see undead eating the living.

The horror that comes from this movie deals anyone and everyone threatening to steal your body autonomy from you and being reanimated without their consent. You also think about how odd it is that we have to dress our dead before they bury them back into the earth, rather than just immediately leave them to rest.

Fun Fact: Due to the extreme nature of this film, this movie was actually considered a "video nasty" because of the gruesome deaths and themes.


The Blob (1988)


"The Blob" is a 1988 film directed by Chuck Russell.

The film is about a pair of teenagers who discover that a strange gelatinous substance threatens to consume any living being that gets in its way.

When you hear of "The Blob", you kind of think it's a silly movie concept where it's like "ooooo scary blob eats everyone"... This movie will change your perception that ideas that are generally thought of as a joke, can actually work if done right.

If you love "The Thing" (1982") by John Carpenter, then you are more inclined to love this film as well, also being a remake done right. The horror that "The Blob" encapsulates is reminding us as human beings that... despite our accomplishments- we are all just meat, especially to a starving animal.

My recommended way of watching this film is seeing "The Blob" (1958) and then "The Blob" (1988) back to back (especially with friends, you'll have a few laughs). The first film will establish the story beats for you, and this remake will turn the story roles on its head in the bestest way. Promise.


Possession (1981)


"Possession" is a 1983 film directed by Andrzej Żulawski, based on the pains of him and his ex-wife's divorce.

This film is about a couple going through terrible relationship issues... And that's putting it extremely lightly. This couple that cannot work through their issues absolutely refuse to leave each other and it becomes this horrifying waltz of toxicity, heartbreak, and violence. Infidelity is also added into the mix that just makes things even worse for these main characters.

This film makes me feel an emotion I cannot explain through just one essay. After me and my friends saw this film together, we spent 40 minutes or more trying to explain what we just experienced together. It's not a film that explains itself & is not always plot coherent. Its intention is to put distress into all it's viewers, and it's done wonderfully.

If you've ever been through any form of heartbreak (especially of the relationship, toxicity, and sexual type) "Possession" will put it onscreen for you and you don't have to explain it. Each person will have a different experience seeing this film depending on what they-themselves have experienced- but if there's anything I have to say, please see this.

This film made it onto one of my favorite horror films i've ever seen just from my first watch.

Fun Fact: Due to the extreme sexual nature of this film, this movie was actually considered a "video nasty". It was banned in the UK and extremely cut upon release in the US. SEE THE VERSION THAT'S UNCUT PLEASE!

In conclusion, perhaps these films were misunderstood initially. But I found something beautiful in all these films, because it made me think about them a lot even after my initial viewing of them.

Individuals would rather not think too much about what they're just seeing & need all the explanations, but if you ask me, if you're always trying to process the unexplainable, that's all the more terrifying isn't it?



Posted by QueenBoo - December 30th, 2021


If you all missed seeing my latest contribution to Tankmas! Click Here!

Hello everyone,

What a year huh?

For me I had to start out going through one of the most roughest time periods of my life to ending up in a community that made me feel welcomed.

Thanks for everything. I've learned and experienced so much that I can look forward to the next year with hope in my eyes, despite me knowing there's even more rough hurtles to get through in the future.

I wish you all well. Here's to more love, laughter, and fulfillment.

2022, i'm ready for you.

New Years Resolutions:

  • Accepting the love i'm given more often.
  • Contributing to my home life & family more.
  • Improvement in art & as a person.
  • Love fully and understandingly.
  • Being grateful for the life I am still given.
  • To live.



Posted by QueenBoo - December 4th, 2021

Three songs i'm providing tonight that help me through some tough times.

I feel like we're in severe need of it lately <3

I hope you're all doing well.
