Oh my god the ending portions just made the video better.
Oh my god the ending portions just made the video better.
By the way, I can't hear a single word you're saying [unless this was completely intentional].
Cute little short!
I just wish this little cartoon had better voice audio quality, maybe voicing these lines with a lack of echo would go a long way for this video.
Thank you so much! And thank you for the feedback, you are absolutely right, I completely agree. My audio setup at the moment is not ideal, but I’ve learned a lot since I started. Hopefully my future endeavours will be better quality!
man that spoopy neighbor has some of the most fabulous hair on his skull. this short tickles my funny bone.
Wow I can’t believe Sherry Birkin’s dead, rip resident evil 6 continuity, they retconned her death ig-
Like with a lot of Reanimated projects I love, I absolutely admire how absolutely comedic this was. You can tell if someone wanted to create something cool based off of the original or just wanted to shitpost. It’s the best when the voice acting alongside audio effects takes itself so seriously, but the visuals contrast that so much.
JC I need you to draw a pp dancing 4 exposure lul
Took a break from working out to watch this & all I had was a big dumpy smile on my face. I straight up was like “YES INJECT THE SEROTONIN INTO MY VEINSSSSS”
Felt like I was watching a short film unique in of itself. Hits a little more if you know the context of these characters.
I wonder if the ending implies there is going to be more, but if there is, I’d love to see it.
for shits & giggles,
I keep on trying to make that screenshot of commander benson aka. "You Cock Jokes Couldn't Even Get The Good Boof" as my banner on one of my twitters but that site keeps marking my tweets as sensitive whenever I try to, RIP LMAOOOOOOO
twitter couldn't handle the raw energy of tankmen boof
Creation is tedious but ANYTHING but boring.
2D artist/animator, Cosplayer, VA, & Indulger of Clownery.
A gal juicing life’s lemons one day at a time and sharing it with her friends.
Desires to reach high & have fun while doing it… even if it takes a bit.
The Token Female
Independent Artist
@ your cinema & café
Joined on 8/27/20