lmfao, I’m so glad to be one of the people witnessing these interactions on Twitter in real time— now I’m seeing it animated. This is top-teir.
lmfao, I’m so glad to be one of the people witnessing these interactions on Twitter in real time— now I’m seeing it animated. This is top-teir.
You really outdone yourself with this one Phasma (& crew)! I knew you’d find a way to keep the theme while implementing it in your original story. Keep up the amazing work c:
Yo man, this is actually really neat! Awesome job on this! <3
i have no clue what i just watched LMFAO but i cant deny that i enjoyed every second of it, what a trip—
I feel like I watched a time capsule, I loved watching this when it came out LOL
Alright, I will totally say this made me smile because I love the concept of Fulp screwing around with his co-workers! I love how the animation gets smooth at some portions.
However, something to definitely keep in mind for your next animations because you most definitely have potential with your skills & i'd love to see your movies being rated higher-
I would've loved to see way more finished portions [rather than have some scenes being left blank or lip sync undone] and perhaps consider coloring your people/characters shown here! Even add simple backgrounds if you need to.
This is fun to watch, I just would've loved to see much more! You're doing great so far, and I can see that you can do much greater things if you take the time and finish up your work with my suggestions. c:
what I have to say to that ending— OOF
Dang dude, this really hit hard for me. Sorta reminds me of my own teenage experience, but I never really indulged in smoking or drinking. I used to be a confused teen just like our protagonist here too.
I love the quote, "can't we get a guide for any of this shit?" from this film. Because honestly- I too wished I had that back in the day. There was nothing like that for me, life’s our teacher.
this is very accurate to my game experience
Creation is tedious but ANYTHING but boring.
2D artist/animator, Cosplayer, VA, & Indulger of Clownery.
A gal juicing life’s lemons one day at a time and sharing it with her friends.
Desires to reach high & have fun while doing it… even if it takes a bit.
The Token Female
Independent Artist
@ your cinema & café
Joined on 8/27/20