jc you know you’re not supposed to upload legit playthroughs on Newgrounds smfh 🙄
also who drew that toy chica in the back LMFAO
jc you know you’re not supposed to upload legit playthroughs on Newgrounds smfh 🙄
also who drew that toy chica in the back LMFAO
Woops guess it slipped my mind lol. I drew the chica.
This was good, really good! This might be one of my favorite voice roles I’ve had a hand in. You got the goofy Zelda Faces of Evil & Hotel Mario CDI design and animation style down to a T. I’m excited to show people I helped voice Adeleine!
One thing I am wishing dearly is that this cartoon should’ve been a tad longer, I like my cartoons with a little bit more screentime.
Its valid that it should be a bit longer, I wish animation labour was more fun. however most side characters in zelda CDI usually have 1 or 2 scenes with straight-to-the-point lines (e.g. morshu has 2 whole lines but is iconic). I'm honoured that you enjoyed voicing your role and are excited to show your friends :)
Cute little short!
I just wish this little cartoon had better voice audio quality, maybe voicing these lines with a lack of echo would go a long way for this video.
Thank you so much! And thank you for the feedback, you are absolutely right, I completely agree. My audio setup at the moment is not ideal, but I’ve learned a lot since I started. Hopefully my future endeavours will be better quality!
Wow I can’t believe Sherry Birkin’s dead, rip resident evil 6 continuity, they retconned her death ig-
Like with a lot of Reanimated projects I love, I absolutely admire how absolutely comedic this was. You can tell if someone wanted to create something cool based off of the original or just wanted to shitpost. It’s the best when the voice acting alongside audio effects takes itself so seriously, but the visuals contrast that so much.
for shits & giggles,
I keep on trying to make that screenshot of commander benson aka. "You Cock Jokes Couldn't Even Get The Good Boof" as my banner on one of my twitters but that site keeps marking my tweets as sensitive whenever I try to, RIP LMAOOOOOOO
twitter couldn't handle the raw energy of tankmen boof
Holy crap,
yeah this is personally enough to make me laugh, a mix of admiration of re4 & just the known quotes being used in such a way LOL
the only thing I’m upset about is how short this is- there are SO many visual jokes I immediately thought of including when this video ended. But good work for what it is!
No butt jokes allowed Vicky! >:(
Very fluid animation! This is amazing! The only thing I really have to wonder about this is, I wish I understood everything that went on in this animation. Perhaps there's some sort of plot and context to this I am not getting. Nonetheless, great work!
Yeah! Sorry theres no explanation but this is more like a teaser trailer than anything and is the intro to a large Visual novel Ive been working on as a collaboration with SonyShock. The whole idea here is to introduce each date option and cast member at least once.
The whole story is long with 13 date options about, so its been a pain in the ass to get things settled. Hopefully if I can work things out with site staff I'll be able to share more about the game but for now my patreon does have a feed of all the content related to the game and will be filled out more in the coming months as development on the actual playable game (rather than just the Book or more of writing) becomes actually playable.
Wonderful work. Going though a rough time and I needed to see this.
Thanks, that means a lot. This short is one that’s still very close to my heart. Hope things get better for you. :)
I was very entertained by this, I can tell there’s most definitely some Eddsworld inspiration in here.
Main critiques I have is that some audio is out of order (at one point, when they’re on the roof, the dialogue of one character is so quiet in comparison to the music)— and gosh darn if that flipaclip animation logo wasn’t there when a character explained the SCP foundation, it would’ve been awesome.
I would also love to see you try lip syncing your dialogue! It is work of course but it makes your characters more believable when talking. And it would also be in your best interest to have ALL your VA clips at the same level as our protagonist.
All and all, very good! I enjoyed this nonetheless!!
I'm genuinely going to take all this info, thank you so much. after spending months on this I kind of rushed at the end so that's why the audio is all messed up lol
Creation is tedious but ANYTHING but boring.
2D artist/animator, Cosplayer, VA, & Indulger of Clownery.
A gal juicing life’s lemons one day at a time and sharing it with her friends.
Desires to reach high & have fun while doing it… even if it takes a bit.
The Token Female
Independent Artist
@ your cinema & café
Joined on 8/27/20