hello hello, gonna likely start treating this site like a blog.
so I celebrated my graduation today-
Well, it certainly took a lot of grit, emotion, blood, sweat and tears. I've experienced so much to get to this point, as i'm sure we've all experienced at least once in our lives. Definitely went through a bunch of evolutions as an individual.
I'm very happy to be the person I am right now, & i'm happy to keep changing for the better even if it's through a load of tough times.
Very happy to be sharing this moment with you all on Newgrounds nonetheless, since this site was a very large part in helping me grow & expand as an artist.
feel free to check out the art relating to this-
In a much funnier coincidence,
I actually tripped and fell during the commencement so LMAO-
my cap & fan
Also by what I mean by flyin' is that I actually travelled to Georgia not too long ago!! Mainly it was to visit my boyfriend, but to also experience life outside & all that jazz!!
Would highly recommend the Atlanta CityPass to get you to a number of places!
In other news!!
so perhaps consider checking my gallery out & being an epic supporter??
Find out on the next episode of DragonBall!!
See y'all on the flipside!
Congratulations on the great news. All that hard work and perseverance totally paid off in the end.