this character awakens the fucking bi in me so bad, nice render of her in the vhs dbz style AYOOOO
Nene x Darnell on the frontpage once more holy fuck WWWWW
bro is still hot after all this time though I won’t lie
I genuinely wish more logos looked like cute designs like this because unless you’re a business I really, really love, I’d never buy merchandise with just… text on it. Designs like this have so much character & you don’t even have to get the meaning behind it to love wearing this kind of stuff anyways.
someone frontpage this
Me and my boyfriend tbh
Alright, this turned out so damn good and I’m SO excited for it to get even better at this point.
I think the best part is not knowing where the hell the dialogue is going while working on this, and the fact I wasn’t even assigned to some pages added to my own personal mystery.
These two are so awful in general, AND awful towards each other, I’m excited for where it goes LOLLLLLL
Always a pleasure working with you!
OoooooooOooOooooo nice, very nice!!
Ommgggggg this game!! I rarely see this game mentioned ever.
2D artist/animator, Cosplayer, VA, & Indulger of Clownery.
Just a gal trying to juice life’s lemons one day at a time & pour it back into its eyes.
Appreciator of oddities.
The mistress of not knowing.
Desires to reach high & have fun while doing it.
The Token Female
Independent Artist
Joined on 8/27/20